A-I Matrix™
The A-I Matrix: For a nominal fee (i.e. less than your morning latte or cappuccino), you can access current information on strategies, which link practical interventions to areas of need, as well as areas of strength (PIKS). For a free sample: Click on the button at the intersection of Homework and Executive Functioning in the table below for information and strategies pertaining to how Executive Functioning impacts Homework. To sign-in or subscribe: Click any purple button (other than the free sample) in the A-I Matrix below.
View Enter The Matrix instructional video
Note: Interventions and strategies are not necessarily exclusive to a single placement in the matrix grid and can overlap/apply to other areas. Efforts were made to minimize duplication of strategies, so be sure to look across various areas in the matrix for ideas.
Homework |
Time / Organization |
Test Taking |
Focus |
Meltdowns |
Social / Emotional / Motivation |
Academic Skill |
Verbal Reasoning |
Nonverbal Reasoning |
Language / Auditory |
Speed |
Memory |
Attention |
Executive Functions |
Social / Emotional |
Sensory and Motor |
Achievement |
Blog 20: Practical Interventions: Focus 02.09.24
Part 4 of 7-part series featuring the Practical areas of need (PIKS) in the A-I Matrix
What does “focus” mean?
There are various definitions of ‘focus’; for example, some of the options provided by Cambridge Dictionary define focus as “the main or central point of something” or “to give your full attention to what you are doing or what is happening”
Challenges with focus can occur for a variety of reasons and do not necessarily equate to an attention disorder. When students are deemed to have difficulty focusing, the importance of a comprehensive evaluation becomes paramount to sift through the “why” in order to determine an appropriate path for intervention.
While rating scales are quite helpful for determining how many symptoms are perceived to be present for a disorder and the frequency of symptoms, the rating scales typically provide limited information for why symptoms may be present. That is where assessment, background information, and clinical interview are needed.
Factors that may either impact or be related to focus include:
- deep conceptualization/thinking may detract from directing focus elsewhere when needed, or difficulty engaging in deep thought may result in avoidance (verbal reasoning),
- visual perception, such as noticing visual details or discerning relevant from nonrelevant (nonverbal reasoning),
- processing large or rapid amounts of verbal input (language),
- slow or interrupted thought processes, as well as impatience (processing speed),
- taxing demands on memory (memory),
- an attention disorder (attention),
- cognitive flexibility to shift and direct focus (executive functions),
- worry, sadness, trauma (emotional), or shared value/motivation (e.g. a student may value socializing over academic work), or social reciprocity to direct focus to the desired place by other people
- bothersome noises, lighting, surroundings, clothing, or smell may be distracting (sensory),
- effort or difficulty level of an academic area (achievement).
The area in parentheses designates the related neuropsychological area.
Use the A-I Matrix for strategies and tools to assist with focus: refer to the fourth column (entitled Focus) in the A-I Matrix and click on the corresponding boxes under that column related to the various neuropsychological areas that may contributing to struggles with focusing. For example, if the student is struggling with careless errors, then click on the box that cross-references Focus & Nonverbal Reasoning. If a student is struggling with shared attention, then click on the box that cross-references Focus and Social/Emotional.
Related Articles:
Tips for Helping your Child Focus
Concentration Building Techniques
Concentration Tips for college students
Blog 19: Welcoming Students Back to School 08.14.22
We interrupt the blog series of Practical Interventions with this blog for Back-to-School.
The beginning of the school year can generate excitement or a fresh start for some students, but trepidation or grumpiness for other students. The same may hold true for school staff and parents. Think about the strategies your school may already have in place to help promote a positive beginning. Are there ways that you can add to those strategies? Some examples to consider include:
Community involvement
- Events to help families feel involved (e.g. assembling bags with school supplies, demonstrations for how to set up a workspace at home or how to organize a backpack)
- Communication with families about resources, procedures, what’s new for the year
- Provide tips for ways to prepare their children for school
Schoolwide awareness
- Teachers provide a warm, friendly greeting, especially to students who look downtrodden, isolated, or agitated; sometimes teachers can become quite frazzled with all the preparations and responsibilities they have on their shoulders and that can be reflected to and by students, so a supportive reminder of how important their initial demeanor is for setting the tone with students can be helpful
- Training teachers on how to promote a growth mindset or excitement to learn
- Reassurance and supportive atmosphere for teachers and staff
- Review of procedures and overall philosophy of the school
Individual support for teachers and for students
- Arranging a designated greeter or buddy system for students most vulnerable to stressors at the beginning of the year
- Help students who easily fall behind to develop a specific plan for how to stay on top of assignments, manage their schedule, and remain optimistic; arrange for them to meet weekly with someone to maintain the plan
- Provide ongoing support to teachers who may have a particularly challenging student; help identify what aspects are working and what adjustments are needed
Foster a team approach and help others (and yourself) to remember that you are not alone. Find others who are supportive and remain encouraging. Many thanks to our educators who inspire a love of learning and a lifelong sense of competency.
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